Announcing the 2016 Contest Judge!

We are very pleased to announce that Stephanie Lenox will be our judge for the Spring/Summer 2016 Poetry Contest!

Stephanie Lenox is the author of The Business (winner of the 2015 Colorado Poetry Prize, a book full of slyly wicked poems such as “Rejoice in the Petty Thievery of Office Supplies,” “ATTN: To Whoever Left Fish Uncovered in the Office Fridge for Three Weeks, Think of Others!” and “Interview for Position of Mythological Hero”–poems that sneak into amazing revelations from mundane things) as well as her first book, Congress of Strange People, and the chapbook The Heart that Lies Outside the Body, which won the Slapering Hol competition.

And for the first time, we are accepting contest submissions on our Submissions page! The contest fee is still $15 for up to three poems. First prize is $500, second prize is $200, and third prize is $100. And of course the winning poems and honorable mentions will be published in the Spring/Summer issue of Common Ground Review.