2024 Annual Poetry Contest Results

$500 First Prize
$200 Second Prize
$100 Third Prize
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Many thanks to this year’s judge, Rebecca Hart Olander.

We are very grateful to everyone who entered—thank you so much!

Congratulations to the winners! You can read their poems in the current issue, along with the judge's comments:

First Prize ($500)

“Salem” –Kateri Kosek

Second Prize ($200)

“Hecate, My Fixer” —Josh Feit

Third Prize ($100)

“Beach of Hvar with Po” —Kelly DuMar

Honorable Mentions

Charity Everitt—“Flowers for Roseann”

Rebecca Faulkner—“Iron Lung”

Timothy Martin—“Czardas and Carol”

Jed Myers—“I Am With You”

Sarah Anne Stinnett—“Apophenia”

Submissions Guidelines