Tre Luna


The parking lot of the big box store was half empty
My list said “Mulch,” and that was it
But I smelled lantanas, the scent of childhood
Also bougainvilleas were on discount, three dollars off
I didn’t see chives, the seed packets long since migrated
Between the display and wall
I squeezed until I found the correct particles
That, when planted 1/4 inches according to package directions,
Would yield breakfast on a bagel.

The total came to $126.98
I wasn’t surprised, squinting at the checkout screen
The original list was short. It only said “Mulch.”
But early June needs so much more than that
Ripe with promise, ready for weeding and renewal.
The smell of lantanas wafted gently
As I wheeled the shopping cart
Back through the parking lot, fulfilled.